Sunday, January 18, 2015

My Conference Championship Picks for the 2015 Playoffs

The Divisional round of the playoffs was a very exciting and successful week for me and
My Divisional Picks for the 2015 Playoffs going  3-1 with my first incorrect prediction of the playoffs  thus far being the Controversial Cowboys at Packers game. While I do believe  that the Dez Bryant play at the end should have been a catch  whether it is technically one or not that is irrelevant. Being 7-1 in the playoffs and riding high I think the Colts will win it all even more in my mind. and the upset win over the Broncos has proven to me even more that they will win it all I take them. Because I picked Dallas to go to the Superbowl I have to pick a new NFC team and I think the Seahawks will beat the Packers.

So my picks are...

Conference Championship
Colts at patriots: Colts win
Packers at Seahawks: Seahawks win

 Colts vs. Seahawks: Colts win

Other Playoff related articles you should check out are: My Take on Every Team Still Left in the Divisional Round of the 2015 PlayoffsMy Take On Every Playoff Team for the 2014-2015 season, My Predictions for the 2015 Playoffs

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